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who is she?


You've got 60 seconds to get to know me?

Well hey, I'm Kylee! If you're here you're probably wondering why you should hire me.


"Kylee Márquez-Downie also lights up the stage as Eliante, the young protege"
- Richmond Family Magazine

Kylee Márquez-Downie is "infectiously fun" as Eliante, "a good girl turned murderous horndog".
Style Weekly

"A bright ray of sunshine that flutters across the stage and makes the audience laugh at her stubbornness."
Ink Magazine VCU

'Sara Collazo, Kylee Marquez-Downie, and Nicole Morris-Anastasi are hilarious as the Real Housewives-style gossips."
- Richmond Family Magazine

"And then there is Margot (Kylee Márquez-Downie)... a breath of fresh air in this psychologically dark world"
- Julinda D. Lewis (Critic)

"An absolute PRO. Jumps in to US numerous roles, has a great talent, and is a joy in the room. I'm a HUGE fan."
Susan Sanford (RVA performer & Director)


never been seen before!

 David Emerson Toney affectionately dubbed me "The Feral Ingenue" and I could not describe myself better than- well- myself!

I've long been cast as the ingenue; and I've always given her a sense of strength that I've been told many a time is "something never seen before".

I largely attribute this to my upbringing! My 5ft Venezuelan mother raised me to never back down no matter how large the adversary. 

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I do it all

Chronic Overachiever!

I graduated with a BFA and double minor in 3.5 years summa cum laude. In my free time I rock climb, holler about how I love the sky, pet animals, laugh out loud, and make others laugh on accident.
I am an unstoppable force: I have an unrelenting drive, an overflowing amount of passion, and the right amount of delusion to do this work. I work well under pressure and on short notice, as evidenced by my jumping into a production of Much Ado About Nothing just hours before opening night (a show I had no part in), or my hopping on the road as an emergency swing with Virginia Repertory Theatre with just a weekend's notice; while being in midterm season.

The moral of the story is that while I am a fun time to be around, I will also get things done, and I hope that you will give me the chance to prove it to you.

Kylee Márquez-Downie

Thanks for stopping by!

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